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Suite 5
Augusta, GA 30907
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Alltrax Motor Controllers
We offer an Alltrax controller for nearly any golf car application on the planet.
Series, Sepex (Regen), or AC Drive?
There are three main types of drive systems on the modern golf car. We have addressed this on one of our HELP pages. You can redirect to that page by clicking HERE. Once you have identified your system, then you'll know more about what you're looking for when browsing our store.
User Programming
We offer the Alltrax XCT and the Alltrax SR controllers. Both of these controllers feature the ease of user programming with a PC or laptop and a simple USB cable (available with controller purchase). Alltrax offers their "Alltrax Toolkit" as a free download HERE. Programming is not necessary, it is totally optional if our customer would like to tweak settings or use the computer as a diagnostic tool if an issue with the vehicle ever develops. We offer free programming for your specific vehicle. This will be done prior to shipment and your controller will be ready to use when you receive it.
Wiring and Installation
All of our Alltrax controllers are shipped with a booklet that includes a wiring diagram to help assist you with your installation. Certain models, such as E-Z-Go TXT and Yamaha carts may require the use of a Flex-Mount adapter to help ease in the installation process. The Flex-Mount adapter is free with the controller when it is ordered for applications that can utilize it.